
Financial Consultation

Shield Financial Consultations provide you with a personal and simple, financial review that will put you on the path to prosperity.

You can meet with our licensed professionals online in the United States and Canada. Even if you already have the services of a good CPA, Attorney and/or Financial Adviser, in virtually every instance, our second review will reveal at least one potentially costly problem and one profitable opportunity.

How Our Consultations Work

In our meetings we will discuss a plan to shield your assets from predators like taxes, inflation and fees; all while helping you grow your wealth safely and predictably. The meeting is 2 part, the first will be a quick discovery meeting and review to determine if our services are a fit for your goals and desires. And, the second will be an in-depth consultation, and presentation of steps for implementation.

Credentials and Designations

Schedule Your Initial Financial Consultation

Want to Learn More?

Watch our educational videos. And, additionally our video blog – Legacy Money to increase your Financial Intelligence.